Friday, June 7, 2024

Baby Birds!

American Coot and cootling - Fulica americana

Baby Birds are showing up everywhere!!! I've seen them in Sierra Valley as well as in my neighborhood! There are a wide variety of names for baby birds, such as cootlings, grebettes, ducklings etc. In general, right out of the egg, newborn birds are called "hatchlings". Except for waterfowl most hatchlings are altricial, or born in an undeveloped state, and require care and feeding by their parents. Baby birds that are raised in a nest are called "nestlings". 

However, waterfowl hatchlings are precocial and usually leave their nest, swim, and dive within a day after they hatch from an egg! These "fledglings" stay with their parents for approximately 80 days. When they are quite young, they often return to their nest to sleep at night. The parents continue feeding them for about a month, protect them from predators, and teach them how to survive!

Two weeks ago there were lots of brightly feathered baby coots, or cootlings, in the area of the Steel Bridge. I revisited these wetlands three times this week and the cootlings are still there, but their plumage has changed!  They no longer have the brilliant ruff of yellow and orange downy feathers, are no longer bald, and their beaks are not bright red anymore!  They've changed so quickly in such a short time! 

American Coots (juveniles)Fulica americana

In another couple of weeks they will probably look like the young American Coots pictured above. 75 days after they've hatched coots are able to fly. When they are about 80 days old their parents drive them off from their natal territory! 

Pied-billed Grebe and five grebettes! - Podilymbus podiceps

On another visit to the Steel Bridge area I was delighted to see a Pied-billed Grebe with five grebettes!!! How Cool!!! Apparently these Grebes are not as precocial as other waterfowl when born. The following information about these Pied-billed Grebes is from the Cornell website

"Behaviorally more like altricial species. Can leave nest soon after hatching; but chicks are carried on adult's back and brooded extensively during first week after hatching. Chicks move from nest bowl to adult's back <1 h after hatching, while still wet or after drying. Climb onto back of adult beside or over adult's tail. Young are brooded on back under adult's wings on platform or water; brooding ceases after 3 wk. Parent forms pocket for chick by holding wings tightly to its body, spreading secondaries, and lifting scapulars. By end of week 1, spend about 50% of the time sleeping, in posture similar to that of adult. Time spent in water gradually increases from 10 min/d in week 1 to day and night by week 4. By day 28, young feed themselves small food items. Nest use stops between days 24 and 42 Young are independent 25–62 d after hatching.

Pied-billed Grebe and a young fuzzy grebette! - Podilymbus podiceps

First swimming posture is very low in water; hold wings and feet straight out to sides until day 5. Use feet alternately, rapidly, in horizontal plane. Dive feebly from few hours after hatching if chased, regularly by day 8. About day 10, escape reaction changes from climbing onto adult or nest to diving. Diving, including crash-diving, is instinctive by week 4.

On days 8–10, chicks start chasing live fishes and insects; make first successful catches between days 10 and 12; steadily improve after that. They feed them selves independently by 28 days. Lose interest in food after dusk on days 32–34."

I lucked out one day and watched these two young Pied-billed Grebes getting help from their parent, while they were trying to swallow some kind of aquatic critter. I'm not sure what they were eating. It was something with a forked tail, maybe a shrimp, or a fish? Did you notice that the first grebette to have the critter isn't the one that swallowed it? Watch it again, you'll see!!

Cornell states, "Fish offered by adult is swallowed head-or tail-first during first week, often dropped. By second week, chick is capable of turning fish, swallowing it headfirst."

So maybe these two grebettes were approximately two weeks old! They were SO fun to watch!

Sandhill Crane on nest - Antigone canadensis

I have great news about the lone Sandhill Crane on a nest that I've been watching! My friend Rod observed them about a week after I had seen them, and all the water was gone out of the pond! The grasses had grown super tall, and there were TWO Sandhill Cranes on the nest with a tiny baby Sandhill Crane, or "colt"!!! WOW!!!

Sandhill Cranes on nest with baby - Antigone canadensis 
photo by Rod Bondurant

You can see the "colt" to the left of the beak of the Crane that is bending down! I have never seen a young crane ever. This photo is by Rod Bondurant, a good friend of mine! He didn't realize the little crane was there until he got home and looked at this picture on the computer! What a surprise!!!

Sandhill Cranes - Antigone canadensis

I have since been back to the now dry pond, and the pair of Sandhill Cranes is still there. I haven't seen any young cranes, but the grasses are dense and tall! Sandhill Cranes mate for life and ususally raise to "colts" a year.  The following information about Sandhill Cranes is from the Cornell website

"Both parents feed young and generally keep them separated, perhaps to reduce sibling aggression, but perhaps also to minimize the likelihood that one predator could get both chicks. During the first 10 d or so after hatching chicks are mainly fed bill-to-bill by parents. Food items too large for a chick to take whole (particularly animal items) may be broken by a parent and fed in pieces. Young become more self-feeding after half grown. Food items may be dropped at the feet of young by adults leading them to feeding opportunities. Food begging by young continues sporadically until independence, although occasionally parents will offer food to the chick, even without begging

Perhaps because chicks are aggressive toward each other, when 2 chicks hatch, each is tended separately by one adult. Typically, but not universally, within 24 h of hatching the adult female leaves with the first hatchling, and the adult male leaves with the second. For the first 10-14 d after hatching, the area used by a pair with young is restricted to within ca. 200 m of the nest. Range increases daily, and by fledging may encompass the total nesting territory. Fledging usually occurs at 7 weeks. Juveniles generally remain with the parents for 9-10 months, from nesting through fall migration, wintering and the first spring migration."

Cliff Swallow (fledgling - adult) - Petrochelidon pyrrhonota

Hundreds of Cliff Swallows nest every year at the Steel Bridge. They build their nests out of mud on the underside of the bridge. Just this past week we lucked out and saw a Cliff Swallow fledgling!

It takes approximately two weeks for the male and female to construct a nest out of 9,000 to 12,000 mud pellets. The breeding pair will start sleeping in the mud housing, as soon as it is partially finished. Inside the mud housing, they create a nest made of dry grasses and feathers. Females will lay 1-6 eggs, and brood them for 10-19 days. Swallows will also lay eggs and/or transfer their eggs into neighboring swallow nests. The young are altricial when hatched, and are cared for by their parents for 20-26 days.

Yellow-headed Black bird (fledgling - adult) - Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus

There were lots of male and female Yellow-headed Blackbirds in the area of the Steel Bridge this week. There were also lots and lots of Yellow-headed Blackbird fledglings calling and calling to be fed! I just couldn't get a photo of one of the fledglings, as they were deep in the tules and my camera always focused on the tules not the fledgling. But we did see them fly across the road from one patch of tules to another. I did manage, however, to get the above photo of a female Yellow-headed Blackbird with its beak filled with bugs for its offspring! WOW! It was so alive with all the different bird calls in that area!  Just wonderful!

The following information about Yellow-headed Blackbirds is from the Cornell website

"Young beg for food soon after hatching. They are fed from 1 d old and continue to be fed until they develop flight skills. Generally all young leave the nest at about the same time. It is not unusual, however, for some to leave before others, particularly if hatched on different days. Young leave nest after 9–12 d, but departures as early as 7 d and as late as 14 d have been noted. When young are ready to leave the nest, they perch on the rim of the nest and jump into surrounding vegetation if approached. Parents continue to feed young for several days after they leave the nest."

Sierra Valley - 6/3/24

On our last trip to Sierra Valley the sky was filled with dark-gray clouds, the temps were cooler, and the light was gorgeous!  It was amazingly beautiful!

Porterellas - Porterella carnulosa

We came across a huge patch of Porterella flowers that created a lovely foreground for Mt. Beckwourth! I hope to be back soon, in this beautiful valley filled with life! 

North Yuba River - 5/16/24

Back in my neighborhood, the North Yuba River is wide and high from the melting snow! Flowers are blooming and fledglings are showing up!

Canada Geese & Goslings - Branta canadensis

To my delight I came across some Canada Goose goslings this week!  There were two families with two goslings each! One pair of goslings was much bigger than the other pair! Last year I didn't see any goslings, beacause the snow stayed so long and the river was high, fast, and cold.

Canada Geese & Goslings - Branta canadensis

The following information about Canada Geese is from the Cornell website

"Canada Geese mate for life, and have 2-8 goslings. Precocial; goslings fully covered with down. Leave nest within 24 h, by which time they are able to walk, swim, feed, and dive. Parents do not actively provide goslings with food; both parents lead brood to feeding areas variable distances from nest site; goslings feed voraciously. Young fledge 6–7 weeks after hatching. Young leave breeding areas with parents; offspring remain with parents throughout first year."

American Dipper - Cinclus mexicanus

I've been writing about these American Dippers for two months now!  On 5/6/24, after they had built their second nest, I saw the adults flying in and out of the nest.  Obviously feeding their nestlings!

American Dipper - Cinclus mexicanus

I went back on 5/15/24 and there were THREE NESTLINGS in the nest, and the adults were feeding them! Yay! How exciting! I went back on 5/25/24 and there was no sign of the young or the adults. The young must have fledged! Yahoo!

Brewer's Blackbird with bugs in its beak (male) - Steller's Jay (fledgling) 
Euphagus cyanocephalus - Cyanocita stellerii

Upriver there are some Brewer's Blackbirds nesting in the alders.  I haven't been able to locate their nests, but I've seen the adults with bugs in their beaks, ready to feed their young! I'll keep looking and will let you know if I locate their nests!

I was also delighted to come across a fledgling Steller's Jay this week! It was hopping along the edge of our garden near the road.  So I carefully picked it up and put it on the ground, in the shade, away from the road, and near the calling mother! Sure hope it madeit!

American Robin - Turdus migratorius

Just this week I came across an American Robin sitting on an old Robin nest!  A few days later, it was sitting on the same nest, but it had been enlarged quite a bit!  I just looked at the nest again today, and the Robin is still there!  I'll keep you posted on any further changes at this nest site.

Salmon Lake -  5/24/24 - photo by Nancy Henson

What's happening in the Lakes Basin?

What's blooming?

GREAT NEWS!!! The Lakes Basin Book is now in print!!!  We are having a Book Release/Art Show in Downieville this coming Sunday, on June 9th, at 1:00 PM, in the North Yuba Hall, Downieville. The books will be on sale for $30 (no tax), and appetizers and drinks will be served.  Join us in a celebration of the Lakes Basin if you can make it! I will be FUN! The show will also be open to the public through the following Sunday, June 16th, from Noon to 3:00 PM. 

After 8 years of posting my blog, I've decided that I'm only going to post my blog twice monthly from now on. My next post will be on the weekend of June 22nd. See you then!

Your questions and comments are always appreciated. Please email me at Thanks!

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