Saturday, October 26, 2019

On the Road

American Mink - Neovision vision

I'm on the road, but just wanted to share this new insight on one of my past blogs. 

This summer I identified the animals in the photo above as River Otters ("River Life" blog - July 21, 2019). Last week I received an email from another naturalist who thought they were American Minks, not River Otters. I have since really compared these photos with photos of River Otters that I had ("Fluid Beauty" blog - Sept.9, 2018) and have decided that I was incorrect. These ARE American Minks!!! Which is really exciting, because I have never seen any live American Minks. I did post a photo of a dead mink, and an accompanying article last spring ("Spring Migration" blog - April 27, 2019). Compare the photos of the two species and let me know what you think!

American Minks - Neovision vision

River Otter - Lontra canadensis

What's happening in the Lakes Basin?

Where are the Bears?

What are the Herps doing?

Check back next week for the answers to these questions and more!

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